The Crossing Community Church is Together in Christ- nurturing, teaching, and reaching for the glory of God! Are you seeking a church that is diverse, welcoming, and committed to serving the community, the discipleship of its members, and to spreading the word of God to all cultures and backgrounds? If so, join us on Sunday for one of our church services and experience what it's like to be a part of a growing, dedicated group of real people who are humbly focused on knowing Jesus Christ and ministering to others for his glory.
Our church building is also home to three other ministries- Red de Vida (Latino church), The Korean Baptist Church of Columbus, and Emmanuel Baptist Church of the Deaf. Our church is also home to The Crossing Community Church Child Nurturing Center.
Click on any of the links at the top of the page to learn more about the various ministries and classes we offer.
We will introduce a new Associate Pastor on Sunday, August 2, 2020. Jourdan Duplessie will be a great addition to The Crossing Ministry Team as we seek to nurture spiritual maturity, teach biblical truth, and reach the community for Christ. Jourdan has a passion for missional communities with and leading people to gain a gospel focus, encourage one another in personal godly growth, and reach out together in community service. Jourdan is a skilled musician and vocalist and you are all welcome to see him in-person on Aug 2. His fiancé, Jessica Stottlemyer, will join him in January 2021 after their wedding. I cannot wait for you to get to know them.
We are blessed every Sunday to continue in-person worship gathering for prayer and a weekly message, which is also live-streamed on Facebook. All four of our Churches are holding worship services by reservation now: Red de Vida (Latino Church at 12:30), the Korean Mission (9:30 in Disciples Hall), EBC for the Deaf (11:30 in Disciples Hall), and The Crossing (message @ 9:30 & Bible study @ 10:30). We praise God that we are able to worship together in a Covid-compliant manor.
In addition, we are providing weekly discipleship opportunities. There are online Children's Messages and Adult Bible Lessons. We have Zoom groups and in-person studies (please contact the church if you would like to participate). Your continued patience is appreciated as we work to ensure a healthy, “touch-free” fellowship. In order to prepare for each person in attendance, we ask that you RSVP for each live event with the full number of your party each week.
Together, we can create a considerate culture. Prepare for social distance (the 6ft rule), please wear a mask, keep your children close, and submit to a temperature check upon entry. There’s a right time to worship from home. If you are symptomatic (cough, fever, fatigue) or have been exposed to a presumed positive case, please stay home. And all high-health-risk individuals are still encouraged to view lessons and messages online. I know you are with us in Spirit and we pray for you!
We tremendously appreciate your desire to give generously and tithe regularly, even in times of such difficulty. There are two ways to give: online at or simply mail a check to The Crossing Community Church, P O Box 1283, Hilliard, OH 43026. And please pray! Prayer is paramount in effectively meeting the challenges of reopening. Please continue to pray for God to use our church to meet the needs in the community. Pray for the gathering. Pray for spiritual revival!
Socially Distant, but together in Christ,
Pastor Chad