Local Opportunities:
Stowe Mission:
Each month we assist the Stowe Center in ministering to our community by serving meals to those in need. We are so thankful for those who help prepare and serve the food, and also those who donate funds to make this ministry possible.
ESL Classes:
For those who would like to learn English as a second language, we offer free classes on Sunday mornings at 9:30am. You do not have to pre-register. Currently, there are three classes for beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.
The Child Nurturing Center (Daycare)
The Crossing Community Church is also home to The Child Nurturing Center which serves our community by providing daycare for children from infant to 5th grade. Click on the link to learn more about this daycare ministry.
Across the Globe:
Mexico: Puerto Vallarta (January 2019)
Our team did ordinary things with extraordinary results in our mission trip to Puerto Vallarta this January. Morning devotions planted seeds that bloomed throughout the day in our words and activities. The seeds are still growing in our hearts and in those whose lives we touched. Simple things like painting, storytelling, feeding the hungry, providing clothing for the homeless, playing with orphans, and helping handicapped children to learn English and improve mobility were just some of the privileges we had. Making baby blankets, giving diapers and even donating suitcases for baby cribs were a part of our mission. Some team members even gave away the clothes and shoes they were wearing because there was so much immediate need for the homeless there.
We were all mesmerized as we watched our leaders share the gospel in English and Spanish whether in front of a group or on a crowded city bus. More than 60 people heard the gospel message from team members and at least 25 professions of faith were made. Praise the Lord!
Click Below to watch a recap video of our mission trip to Puerto Vallarta.
Mexico: Santa Maria Ecatepec (October 2018)
In October 2018, Pastor Chad and Bob Allen traveled to Santa Maria Ecatapec to confirm God’s call for The Crossing to begin an ongoing mission to reach previously unreached people groups for Christ.
The village is nestled on a mountain top, about 6,100 feet above sea level, and is home to one of the Sierra Chontal group of people. They are so named because Chontal is their original language. Before 2013, the Sierra Chontal were listed by the Southern Baptist International Mission Board as one of over 4000 unreached people groups in the world. That changed in 2014, when a team of lay missionaries from Ohio, including Bob Allen, answered God’s call and began an ongoing work to bring the Gospel to the village. Since that time there have been 27 visits, now at the rate of every two months, and that regularity has developed wonderful relationships in Christ. To date, 7 villagers have accepted Christ, a simple church has been established, and an ongoing discipleship program is in place.
God is at work today in Santa Maria Ecatepec. Our vision trip in October was to listen for His call and direction to partner with this work, or to start another specific mission of our own. Please pray that God will continue to reach the unreached throughout the world and that we would be instrumental in that effort.